Frequently asked questions and answers

Here you can read our most frequently asked questions and answers. Can't find the answer to your question? Contact us in the chat and we will help you! 

What is a pawn shop?

A pawn shop lends money using your valuables as collateral. When borrowing from a pawn shop, you never risk getting into debt as we only use your valuables as collateral.

Can Pantlån be trusted?

Absolutely, Pantlån has the highest priority when it comes to safety through insured transports, secure warehouses and is also under the supervision of the County Administrative Board.

What happens if my valuables are lost?

När du skickar in dina värdesaker till oss är dina varor försäkrade upp till 50 000 kr för mindre lösöre och 3 miljoner kronor för bilar.

How do I know that you are weighing and valuing my valuables correctly?

Our AI model continuously collects data from numerous sources to ensure the accuracy of the valuation. In addition, our final valuation team has over 50 years of experience in jewelry valuation and uses very advanced high-tech equipment to deliver accurate valuations.

What are your customer service opening hours?

You can reach us by email/chat between 08:00-18:00, other times we will respond as quickly as possible!

How are my goods valued?

Vår värderingsprocess är smidig, transparent och går i fyra steg: Värdera direkt online: Du kan börja med att använda vår unika AI-algoritm för att göra en preliminär värdering direkt på nätet. Detta ger dig en ungefärlig idé om värdet på din vara kostnadsfritt. Skicka in din vara till oss: Välj det fraktsätt som passar dig bäst. Vi kan arrangera en upphämtning hemma hos dig eller så kan du välja att lämna din vara på ett ombud eller i en paketbox. Efter att vi mottagit din vara kommer den att genomgå en slutlig värdering utförd av våra experter. Du får oftast ett erbjudande från oss inom ett dygn. Pengarna på ditt konto inom några minuter: När vi har kommit överens om ett pris, swishar vi pengarna till ditt konto inom några minuter. Genom att använda oss kan du vara säker på att din vara värderas av experter och att hela processen sker på ett säkert och effektivt sätt.

Can I visit you in person?

No, Pantlå only offers digital services.

Do I need a BankID to use Pantlå services?

Yes, you need BankID to log in to Pantlå

Is it safe to send my goods to you?

Yes, it is perfectly safe to send your goods to us. We insure all packages up to €50 000 and take the security of your goods very seriously.

How are my goods insured during shipping?

Vi tar säkerheten för dina värdefulla varor på största allvar. Alla frakter som skickas genom oss är försäkrade upp till 75 000 kr för mindre lösöre och 3 miljoner kr för bilar.

Borrow money

How long can I borrow money?

The loan is set up for three months; if you pay the interest according to your payment plan, the loan is automatically extended. You can cancel the loan at any time by repaying the full amount.

Can I get my goods back if I do not accept my valuation?

Of course, our values are never binding. Return shipping is free of charge if you do not accept the loan offer.

After how long will you pay out my loan?

Från det att vi mottagit din produkt får du oftast din värdering inom 24 timmar, när du accepterat din slutvärdering har du pengarna på kontot inom 5 minuter.

Is it safe to send my valuables to you?

Absolutely, Pantlån has the highest priority when it comes to security through insured transports, secure warehouses and is also under the supervision of the county council. During the loan period, your goods are stored in a value depot with 24-hour surveillance.

Can I get more money for my goods if they are sold at a profit at the auction?

Yes, if your item is sold at the auction with a surplus after interest charges and the loan amount is paid, it will be paid to you within 15 days via Swish.

Which loan period can I choose?

Our loans are set up for 3 months at a time, you can easily extend or redeem your loan during the loan period in logged-in mode. The loan is automatically extended when you pay the interest.

What happens if I cannot repay my loan on time?

Don't worry, we understand that sometimes things can get complicated. If your loan expires and for some reason you cannot pay it back, we will first send you a reminder. If payment continues to be missed, your items will be sold at auction. It is important to note that if your items are sold for a higher amount than your loan plus interest, we will automatically pay the surplus to you. This way, you can be sure that you will always get the value your items deserve, even if you cannot repay the loan on time.

Do you do a UC or credit check on me as a customer?

No, that is one of the advantages. A pantlån does not require a credit check or regular income.

Do I risk being taken to the bailiffs?

No. If you don't repay your loan, your items will be sold at auction and your debt will disappear.

Can I take a loan even if I don't have a regular income?

Yes, you can! At Pantlå we focus on the value of your valuables, which serve as collateral for your loan. We do not carry out a credit check or take your income into account. Your items are stored safely with us during the loan period.

Which items can I submit?

Du kan skicka in klockor, smycken, guld, silver och mindre föremål av andra ädelmetaller. Det går dessutom att värdera, sälja och belåna på fordon.

Who can take a loan from Pantlå

Anyone over 18 with a valid Bank ID can borrow money from us, provided you have a piece of jewelry, watch or gold to pawn.

Do you run a credit check on me as a customer?

No, we do not carry out a credit check. Your valuables serve as collateral for your loan.

How much can I borrow?

It depends entirely on the value of the goods you are using as collateral. Our experts will value your goods and give you a loan based on their current market value.

Can I extend my loan if I cannot repay it at the end of the loan period?

Yes, we understand that circumstances can change. If you cannot repay your loan within the original term, you have the option to extend it. Just log in to your pages and select extend your loan, simply and easily.


Do you charge a valuation fee?

No, valuing your goods is completely free of charge. Start by using our AI model to get a quick indication of the value of your goods.

How do you determine the market value?

Our valuation experts assess the value of your gold based on its weight and current gold prices. If your gold item also contains precious stones or is designer jewelry, we take into account its full market value.

How is the price of gold determined?

Guldpriset avgörs av ett antal olika faktorer, inklusive efterfrågan på guld, tillgången på guld, makroekonomiska effekter, valutakurser och guldets renhet även kallat karat. När du pantar eller säljer dina guldvaror till Pantlån säkerställer du att du alltid får ett högt guldpris. Efterfrågan på guld kan påverkas av många olika faktorer, såsom industriell användning, investeringar och smycken. Makroekonomiska förhållanden, såsom inflation och räntor, kan också påverka guldpriset. Valutakurser kan också påverka priset på guld, eftersom guld ofta köps och säljs i amerikanska dollar och förändringar i växelkursen kan påverka den relativa prissättningen av guld i olika valutor.


How long after I send in my valuables do I get paid?

From the moment you submit your item, you will usually receive your valuation within 24 hours, once you have accepted your final valuation, you will have the money in your account within 5 minutes.

How much does it cost to sell gold?

Selling gold to us is free of charge.

How to sell gold?

First you make a valuation of your goods through our AI model, then the goods are sent to us and we make a final valuation which you can either accept or reject. Once you have accepted your valuation, you will have the money in your account within 5 minutes.

How long will it take to receive my payment?

When you sell your goods with us, you can expect a quick payout. From the moment you accept your valuation, we pay out your money within 5 minutes.

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